About me

I wasn’t always a florist and I’ll be honest the path that has led me here hasn’t always been an easy one but I am so happy it led me here. I have always loved gardening and nature, I used to love spending time as a child in my nanas garden picking flowers and arranging them (she used to grow the most amazing sweet peas!).

I went on to study countryside management and environmental studies once I’d left school. This led me to work as a ranger, a job that I loved; this then led me on to working with communities to care for their local environment. When I was made redundant in 2016 I decided I needed a change, so I enrolled on a floristry course at a local college, there I passed with a distinction and was awarded the Floristry student of the Year. Flowers were always something I had kept coming back to, a career where I could use my creativity to make something beautiful and to bring a smile to people’s faces. My interest in nature still remains and I try to take inspiration from that in my work.

I am based in North East England and I love living here, from the coast to the countryside there are so many varied landscapes. I’m lucky I have my husband and our border terrier to accompany me on my many walks in the hills. If you’re interested in finding out more about me and my flowers then please get in touch I’d love to hear from you.

Much love



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